The Nitty Gritty: Our Hosted Gaming Session Program Format

No prior experience required in Dungeons & Dragons or any other games! All rules will be taught, all tools will be provided or made free of charge and any assistance needed to acclimate to games will gladly be given.

Players will have a high degree of creative authority to shape the game world as well as be encouraged to create their own characters, getting to play as their preferred version of themselves as they see fit and see the world evolve thanks to their efforts!

Each game session averages approximately 4 hours, but they can be run shorter or longer with incredible ease if/as needed. Groups average 3-6 participants, however this can also be tweaked with minimal difficulty.

Games are run online with simple software (zoom, discord or equivalent access to free video conferencing programs, phone or laptop with camera/mic). Proficiency with said software is not needed, as this can also be taught in-session.


Our Services

The services of this project are primarily developed around delivering games focused on fun, allowing participants to play in sessions as they are available to relieve stress and open up in a context without consequence. However, there are several additional wings of professional services which PLAN Gaming can additionally offer including but not limited to:

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Hosted Group Game Sessions

Our primary service offering. Open sessions for participants to engage in and enjoy, we’re always happy to bring participants into existing adventures or start a new story! From full length campaigns to one-shot adventures, we’ll gladly host games that suit the theme and interests of any adventurer!



Player & Game Master Training

If you’re interested in learning more core game rules or even running your own games we’re happy to get more granular on what’s happening behind the dungeon master screen! From player polishing classes to get comfortable with any level of gameplay to actual game management practice to host your own quests we’ll happily run you through the steps necessary to build confidence in your ability to participate further!


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Creative Services for Campaigns

Have an idea for a game or are in a game which you want to bring to life with additional media? We’re happy to assist with our network of writers, artists, musicians, creatives and gamers who will gladly accentuate your adventure in progress into a fully flushed out and flowing world filled with epic game elements and vivid set pieces to bring people further into your imagined fantasy world!