Principles of Support:

  • We keep things in the here and now. Do not worry about the past or the future.

  • We find strength in sharing experiences. Please be vocal about ideas, from silly to serious.

  • We embrace feelings as healthy. Feel free to be expressive, make jokes, and experience emotions.

  • We cherish imagination and creativity. We avoid conflict and de-escalate violent tendencies.

  • We accept people as we are. This is a space in which you can be yourself and anything you want to be.

  • We won’t judge anyone’s actions, so long as your intentions are good and make others feel good.

  • We are part of a community we build together. The community will grow over time and will grow with you.

  • We will work out problems collectively as a team, there are no rivals at the table.

  • We find camaraderie in playing games. There are no grades or expectations to be met.

  • We will never give up hope!

Baby Yuan Ti.jpg

Code of Conduct:

Below is the general format of game sessions for consideration by both player participants as well as coordinators assessing if this is a suitable recreational activity for your communities:

  • Please be on time for scheduled games, or if you feel you are going to be late, please notify the Game Master so they can adjust accordingly.

  • Check in is expected within the first 15 minutes of programming. This time should be used for technical questions and troubleshooting, however, feel free to ask questions whenever there is an issue and the Game Master will do their best to assist.

  • The Game Master will coordinate all elements of the game and ensure everyone can participate. Actions which prevent others from playing will be discouraged. Do your best to share the spotlight and be constructive rather than controlling.

  • Participants are expected to be respectful, to be good sports, and to be team players. There are no winners or losers in these games. Empathize with others’ situations and take comfort in everyone playing being on the same team.

  • Keep gameplay in the here and now. Role-playing games allow you to detach from personal stress and be a character that is not yourself. Just focus on fun!